Why be limited to the maths and physics tutors in your local area when you can have your pick of the best?
Why be limited to the maths and physics tutors in your local area when you can have your pick of the best?
Some advantages to online tuition are
You don't need anything special — just an internet connection and a Skype account or access to Zoom. I use a virtual classroom called Bitpaper for the lesson and Skype or Zoom for the audio & video. See the video below for an introduction to Bitpaper. Don't let technology run your life, make it work for you! Camera phones now have fantastic resolution, so if you're stuck on some questions, just take a photo and send it to me via email or WhatsApp. No messing around. If you have any comments or suggestions don't hesitate to contact me; my email address is clare@clareturnertutoring.com. Constructive feedback makes things better for everyone.